Wings of Destiny

duminică, 30 iunie 2013

existing for the unreal.....

    The one, the only the symbol of gratitude fading away in the glimps of an error. Oh, make me exist just one more time because I don't have to die over the Sun... Now that the acid rain is spreading allover you and over me turning my chemical structure into an undefined misery, when blood turns cold, when all of love and supremacy collide against the heavy drops turning our silver and gold from magnificent fragrances to a dusty memory. The frame that contained a picture of me is now down in the ground where our bones rest and souls from up high in a forgetfull floating state clearing all remorse with the swish of an easy feather. Falling on my soil, my ground, my lands, the seed that we now plant together creating a new book of life. The old one has been burned by History itself and the legend is not ours to debate for the right of property is not that of a nation nore is it for you to judge its true meaning. You're not a judge! Or are you? Oh, in the name of all legal rules and all codes of morality, let me exist just one more time, just one more drop of life, my judge, my magic invention can revolutionise science compressing all that was known in the beet of a heart and send my beliefs to the clouds when all is done. Is this my time? Am I the rainbow crashing the beauty of an era destroyed by all those questions...
  And now it's dark and the truth, hidden somewhere in this massive obscurity shining upon the crown of agonising irony on a blue rose, an order of chromatic smell of the old scholars who left behind their books but took away their memories leaving us nothing but a theoretical perception of the everything. So, all is an idea of the 'whole', and relative tears streaming down your face are not real. Be happy! It means you don't know how to cry even if you cannot feel at all. Oh, don't let me exist once again for I have never actually existed. In this appearance I was only the ghost of an illusion and gone in the blink of an eye I'll send my pure eternity beyond a normal thought so that I might find my true self in another dimension ..... 

duminică, 23 iunie 2013

Heart Of Duality ( Ogneno's birth)

   Listening to the untold bedtime story... The sun is flying over a desolated moon and what comes to mind  in my sleepless hour reflected the dream I could reach upon the closest wall painted like a chromatic romantism mixed with the touch of precision... And still I cannot wait... Tell him... And thus my letterlike reported story starts but never ends. Words all seam to stop before the lips can tell them to anyone and the feverish glow of inocence upon my face of tearless crying leaves no dubts as to what I really am... I am a product of the whole and therefore I am nature. This night of pain and fear is what I wanted to end my troubled heart in a bliss of love when the warmest deepest frame of chaos has the mercy to fit me in one of the funny attempts of cubism. The look upon my doctor's face is not worried at all.. He knows what he's doing but the touch he brings with the cold tide is the one of healing pain and screams cutting the nights skies like a knife of call to Heaven cannot stop from bursting from my very soul tearing the white as a notion and splitting cells of atoms all around my  bloody agitation. All  stories have a happy end but the subliminal sadness lies somewhere beyond the reader's consciousness and when the child grows old it takes years of research to reach the final result of the hypothesis. And yet another cry for help and now a blazing spark rising high with my tears creating the perfect fusion of agony in a philosophy of reflections. Now, concentrating on the walls.. What can they say to me? What can I tell them now that the liquid mass of misty substances covers my eyes mixing the chemistry of my skin once more into a new combination, redefining the natural process of the two in one and all this series of wild images within my head as I try to improvise a brief welcoming speach along with my final act as I feal its nearby approach. 
  The room is hot now and all we stand on is fire... The child has come! Welcome my baby, my Ogneno the one born from pain, the child of fire one of the four the destiny of a burning heart without control... The night is only light when you're around and your flaming tears are sparks of diamond I leave you now, my first and final kiss... I hold you now with my last breath my infant ... Oh, let me leave through you in your structure of life in your soul I transpose myself reversing our duality in a vice-verse transfiguration of the two that now become one...
And tell him... Oh, don't tell him any word , just be you and I shall live through you poor life into my long gone soul for time is running short and on my way towards the lights of endless tunnels I see your face, my child, my guide mine left behind... I'd look away to you but now I cannot do so just feel my arms around you where your fire cannot heat me for I am now stone cold forever... 

duminică, 16 iunie 2013

Cele 4 Elemente

   1. Din intuneric iese o scanteie. Apoi doua. Apoi nouazeci si noua. Si infinitul prin magie e o clipita-n fata lui. Si soarele e rece pe langa trupul lui... Si tot ce vede-n calea-i preface-se in scrum cand merge pe-o carare sau pe-al omului drum. Ogneno, rege aprig,  inima-i arde si sufoca prezenta universala varsa sudori istorice si intrebari retorice in marea sa splendoare emana ganditoarele lacrimi inecate-n caldura ucigasa... Cand negura de scrum e singurul sau pat iar  setea sa fierbinte de loc nu-i ostoita alearga sa-si gaseasca o cale fericita... Dar vai de neguri grele si suferinta sa, dar vai de omenire, de inima cea grea, tot ce atinge-n cale se pierde se usuca. Nu-i cald ci e fierbinte, e ruga cea de teama. Cu degetul de-atinge a soarelui coroana o scoate de pe bolta sistemului solar si-o face amintire intr-un abecedar. A ars pamant si suflet in ne-ndurarea lui si tot mai intetita-i vapaia focului tristetea il cuprinde si arde si mai mult intregul lui se-aprinde intr-un mileniu mut.

2. Pe pat de somn si gheata printesa se-odihneste. In liniste nu-i viata caci nimeni nu iubeste. In locul unde frigul stapan se proslaveste, in locul unde nimeni nu traieste. Verde e doar cuvantul imaginar posibil caci gerul si zapada il fac neverosimil. Halodna, suverana cu inima de fier aduna in ea raul prin freamat de suspine se lupta printre turturi, cruste de gheata fine. In visul ei maestrul e al zapezii om ce se transforma brusc intr-un soldat neom. Cand sufla, cu raceala bruma se si depune. In vocea sa doar viscol si crivat au sa tune cand striga cu manie nimic nu-o sa mai miste caci forta nu exista ca ei sa ii reziste...

3. Copiii inspaimanta. dintr-un nimic se naste se raspandeste-n case in vise si in oaste. E frica si uimirea e jocul aiurit al psihicului mortii vestit de asfintit. E Tiomini, e zeul din intuneric dus spre lumea cea intreaga din cel mai trist apus. El nu iti mai da voie sa mai citesti din carte si-aduce cu el somnul in fiecare noapte. Scrie povesti si vise in chipuri fel de fel. -Nainte sa decada artist a fost si el. Pomeni si rugi adesea sa-l ocoleasca vor dar el se-opune groaznic impotriva tuturor. Si stavila-i stau zorile si-a lui mare iubire caci lacrima din roua ii e spre linistire. Si plange dimineata, a sa mama Utra cand soarele-l trimite spre fericirea ta. SI plange pentru raul ce-l face fiul ei si-ndreapta maini gingase spre creatori si zei sa-i dea fiului pace sa ii indrepte calea si sa priveasca-n tihna-mpreuna cu el zarea.

4. Ea e pura poezie, e concept, filosofie, frumusetea cea divina , Sveta, fiica din lumina. Cheama binele spre ea si din cea mai mica stea face zambete-aurii pe fete albe de copii si picteaza cer albastru si campii cu floricele, face rasete si canturi sa sune-ntre lumi ciudate. Universul isi da mana s-o primeasca in palate iar ea trece diafana peste firavele ganduri si culege ce-i mai proaspat de pe-ale vietii pamanturi. Inocenta ca mireasma freziei de primavara se avanta prin vazduhuri fie iarna fie vara. Se alatura-ntr-o clipa celui singur, celui trist si sopteste fiacarui ca exista paradis.

Ogneno coboara-n nouri manios de fapta sa. Cat rau sa mai fac eu lumii? Lacrimand asa gandea. Dar ajunge pe taramul stapanirii inghetate iar flacara sa paleste piere pana cand renaste intr-un licar  de speranta caci regina adormita tremura de frig si spaima il cuprinde-ntr-o clipita. In dorinta de a face buna fapt-asa cum vrea o cuprinde intre brate si ii da caldura sa. Tot tinutul inverzeste ce murise iar traieste dragostea gheata-ncalzeste, focul lui il potoleste echilibrul se asterne peste cosmosul intreg iar ca rege si regina Ogneno si Halodna sunt acum uniti pe veci in celeste constelatii langa zei si langa regi.

Tiomini, cosmar si frica intalni lumina ei. Se provoaca s-o-nspaimante sa o-ntunece s-o vada cum de mila-si plange dorul ingerul cu chip de fata. Sveta insa se indura si-i zambeste cu blandete iar el cade fara vlaga stors de a sa tinerete. Cu caldura ii da mana si-l ridica din tenebre. Il invata din nou arta fara de tente funebre. Tiomini acum e calmul linistea  si somnul lin , iara Sveta a lui soata, zana cerului senin.

Cele patru elemente ne invata inc-odata ca iubirea schimba totul  in ceruri si-n lumea toata. Eu sunt om, inima buna ce-n povesti va dainui. Prin ce-am spus din suflet liber printre slove-mprastiat va ramane drag de-a scrie si dupa ce voi fi plecat intr-o alta lume mare, in alta dimensiune unde tot ce se intampla e un vis si o minune...