Wings of Destiny

duminică, 24 februarie 2013

Lecția de zbor

Ieri am învățat de la tine să-i respect pe cei din jurul meu, iar astăzi primesc drept răsplată zâmbetdle celor din jur. Apoi, când ai.văzut că eu pot face lucrurile dorite de tine m-ai învățat să zbor. Am zburat până ce am căzut într-o libertate plăpândă, o stare în care nu mai simțeam foșnetul vântului pe fața arsă de soare, nici ploaia pe care mi-o aduceai pe petale de curățire interioară, nici natura care-mi curgea prin perfuziile vitale dar pline de viață de care depindeam zilnic. Simțeam inima mea cea umană cum se găsea mereu înconjurată de un alb pur, de mirosuri ciudate și de întrebări existențiale. Pulsul creștea pe măsură ce se apropia cerul de drumul meu, pr măsură ce viziunile delirante asupra raiului puneau stăpânire pe argintul miraculos din care Zeii Vindecării făureau în mod continuu pe o bandă ușor defazată tuburile cu oxigen și aparatura medicală a tehnologiei moderne...
  Iată visele mele! Privește-mi camera! Intră în ea și vorbește cu susurul trist al munților literari creați de o imaginație sistematică spre a strânge lacrimile în cărți legate cu fir de viață stoarse de timp și de obiseală... Ciocolata a rămas neterminată pe masa de studiu, masa anilor, a obiectelor banale care ascund în sinea lor abiotică, energia unui suflet perpetuu... Ciocolata aceea, dulce și artistic sculptata de corpul străin ( viitor ceresc) care cu o seară înainte avea nevoie de stimularea endorfinelor, a rămas acolo pentru a contempla camera fără să știe ca parașutismul, de fapt zborul atât dinspre cer cât și dinspre dragoste are consecințe similare în caz de greș...  
De la grădinița am învățat că nu trebuie să facem rău jucăriilor care se vor trezi foarte triste în zbsența noastră și vor discuta între ele despre râutatea stăpânului lor. Atunci râdeam fără să cred. Acum mă macinâ un gând: noi strângem atâta viațâ în noțiunile ßi obiectele ce nu sunt vii încât într-o zi se prea poate ca simplul fapt al existenței particulelor din noi să le ofere și lor dreptul de a fi cineva, nu numai ceva... De aceea am renunțat ls poveștile cu păpuși... Mâ sperie vioiciunea din ochii lor indusă de cursurile de scriere decorativă pe care le urmează si iștrii povestitori, ciudații favoriți ai binecuvîntaților copii, sadici uneori în inocența lor... 
  Îmi pare rău că am deviat de la subiect... Doar că mă tulbură temerea intrării în propria mea cameră prin ochii tăi... Te iubesc nespus dar ochii tăi îmi rămân străini... Cu toate acestea m-ai învățat să zbor și să cad. Îți mulțumesc pentru această lecție neprețuită căci, iată, acum eu mă ridic ușor ușor și am să mă înalț mai sus decât vreidată am crezut... Îți voi face cu màna dintr-o stea și o să-ți laud talentul de dascăl! Ce maestru bun poți fi!! Nu știi cât te admir!! Ți-ai făcut discipolul să se ridice mai sus ca tine!!  De aceea ești atât de prețuit în lumea ta, în lumea mea , în univers... De ce-ți curg lacrimi pe obrazul cel frumos și nobil?? Tu ai vrut ca eu să zbor ! M-ai învâțat cu dăruire și mi-ai explicat că nu trebuie să fiu încirdată ci doar să respir relaxat... Dar nu te teme ... Am lăsat respirația în urmă căci eul meu e mai ușor ca aerul și mă înalț ca visul spre infinit... Îți place acum de mine în noua mea dmensiune? În erapa zborului meu existențial? M-a înălțat prea repede legea ca să-ți mai aud răspunsul dar oricum... Îți mulțumesc cu drag pentru lecția de zbor... 

luni, 11 februarie 2013


I know your usual text.... you all say the same thing but you never have anything better to justify your deeds... You, you my man, you stabbed,  washed your hands in blood and preached all kind of nonsense to convince us that you're not guilty... My man, you're going to the chair, you'll sit down and you'll have one more minute to say you're sorry before they push the button and blow your brains to Heaven... We have to survive in this world and more like you wondering around here won't do us any good... Is it moral ? Is this the right thing to do? Only god knows that... I have the name of Aaron... i'm the messenger of an Old Testament personality here, even before Christ himself so I guess I'm getting some inspiration from on high... Whatever your defender says in this room is completely invalid to me although I should respect his opinion, his years of intense studies concearning the law, the order of things and Human Rights.... But all in all I'm the one to have the last word so dear man, don't takeit to seriously... There have even been others before you so nevermind... No matter what happens the day will pass... You'll get up but you'll never go to bed with a conscious mind... No... No more will that happen... The decision has been taken.....

I'll not start with my CV because you already know it all... She didn't know anything.... She was the only one who never new that I was dreaming of rainbows and love above the stars of the night while we were walking, while I was holding her hand in mine, keeping her heart warm from the pain, building our world from our most beautiful words, contemplating her figure in the shadows while the fire was dancing over my soul throwing me down into an illusion... That night she made my love come true through a poem that she wrote dellicately on a peace of my heart just so that I have her forever as she was right then back in time at our secret place where we would see one another and admire the angels as they flew to a Heavenly better world... I told her : 'My love, don't you want to go there? I shall soon follow" ... and she said yes.... Her smile was sincere her diademe glew and diamonds were shining as she was begging me to take her there... Naive little child didn't understand my meaning... She believed in Plato's philosophy so the world of ideas was her guideline in life... But still she approved my deed as the blade was softly touching her, gently, kindly with all my love and passion... She didn't scream... It didn't hurt... I'm kissing blood even now as I speak, for all my words are hers forever and even Plato whall agree with my heart... Who could be against love? Not even you, Sir Judge... Not even you... You're sending me there with her without me struggling to do something in advance... See? I always liked the easy roads and now I'm free... I'll soon hold her in my arms and show her that I wasn't that late... I just hope she wasn't too lonely in Heaven but I know she's waiting because her love for me can even change toe exactest of mathemathics and the most structural principles of the Universe.......

I know I love you , Numen, even if your sirname is that of a stranger... My mother always told me not to talk to strangers... They are dangerous, that's what she said... But for me you're not a stranger because I always believed that you, like me and like everything we have around us , come from a different world, a world of perfect ideas that Plato left to us as inheritance through his marvelous artwork... When I said I love the idea of loving you you should have listened and payed attention.... Even now I feel guilty for your tears... You, my beloved, you changed my integrity into fulfillment and took me to another state of thinking and I shall always thank you for that... I'll wait here because I can't get through without you... I'm glad the judge has made the right decision just so that we can be together in a  better world... Don't worry even if your credit card is stained with my blood it can be cleaned and maybe another person will use it... Make sure it gets to someone in need and ask your mother to clean it for you... I'm not a walking prejudice so I'll be waiting at the border just in front of the awesome light... Don't be afraid, darling! It won't hurt... It didn't hurt me at all when you helped me exist as a superior form of intelligence, now it's your turn to change yourself from a phisical structure into a magnetic wave of feelings so send all your love to me with your last breath as I sent mine to you... I really hope you can still feel it... I love you dearly and I shal see you soon within the world of wonder and peace which will this time be our truth rather than an imaginary way of expressing ideas........

sâmbătă, 2 februarie 2013

Shadows beyond thinking

 ''Step asside from the way of a better man than you
So you fall at his feet he's the one who betrays you
It;s the servant's devotion for the decay.... STAND UP!!!'' (Amorphis- Alone)

The world... this world always spinning around twisting and turning the sun on its way without remembering when to stop or  where it has to go... Poor mind of the poor wrath unspeakably filled with furious contradictions over the edge of a creditcard probably based on a self esteem philosophy that none but you could ever understand... I am myself and you.... yourself of course ... just a twisted brain in a jar ready for yet another examination ... spilled allover the classroom walls forth and back and nowher but in a little slide of informational orders for the untrusting ones who don't exactly know why they have to kill after getting up every morning.... Feeling unable? No worries! Society can sort it out for you. All you have to do is forget that you even had a mind of your own and leave it all on the edge of the rainbow while your darkened journey on a bed of rusty flowers takes you up to the most highly appreciated level of confusion... Game on!!! A joystick, a flash of waves, magnetic vibes and once again you become that nice little video puppet dying and reinitiating your life with the switch of a button or even at the remarcable touch-screen controlling hand of the wisest user ( ... and who said I didn't have you just at the power of my little finger huh?)... ''Laughter... laughter... all I hear or see is laughter'' (Metallica- Master of puppets).
Hear that? Can you hear it??? This forrest is too big for you... You'll get lost... Oh, look at this soul all messed up in a bite of chocolate ... Poor thing... Let's get some help!! Heeelp !!! Cries that pennetrate the night cutting the skyline like the knife of justice breaking the order of the stars and reorganising the arrangement of the world all together in a big huge crash of themetaphore fallen above your head... eternal voice of an eternal singer showt out the words STAND UP!!!!!